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Car Accident Attorney

Insurance Claims in a Car Accident

If you or a loved one were involved in a car accident, it is to your benefit to consult a car accident lawyer. There are many reasons why this is a wise course of action. First, insurance companies, by their nature, will often try and pay the lowest possible settlement amount on a claim. That is in their best interest. They usually have large law firms representing them. This must be kept in mind when you are offered a settlement amount. Our law firm has more than ten decades of experience and practice, and we have attorneys who are Board Certified in personal injury law and as civil trial advocates. Board certification in any field is a mark of excellence and high competence. When dealing with insurance claims, insurance company lawyers, and representatives, you do not want an inexperienced or incompetent lawyer to represent you.

Insurance Settlement Traps
When a person is seriously injured in an auto, truck, or motorcycle accident, the recovery road can be pretty overwhelming physically and financially. With a severe injury, a person can lose employment and thus wages. The medical costs of one’s recovery can be huge, even with medical insurance. If, amidst all this chaos, you are expected to negotiate your settlement and pursue recovery from an irresponsible driver; you might be considered a superhero. This is just too much to ask of anyone. Competent legal representation will know what you are entitled to regarding the settlement. Our qualified lawyer will not let you accept a settlement that will not be sufficient for the costs you must bear in your recovery. Remember, once you get a payment, you lose your legal right to pursue more in a lawsuit.

If you are dealing with insurance claims from a car accident, seek help and contact a car accident lawyer from our firm today.

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